Step out for a Bollywood dance session

Ever fancied trying out a few Bollywood dance moves?
If the answer is a shy yes, take a deep breath and jump right in by joining a Bollywood-style flashmob in Coventry city centre on April 23.
All you have to do is gather at the Godiva statue in Broadgate around 5.30pm for a free interactive lesson with the Belgrade's resident dance teacher, Sneha Singh.
Sneha is out promoting the theatre's latest production, The Game of Love and Chai, an updated, culturally adapted, madcap version of a classic French farce. Confused? You might be, especially as the author is Nigel Planer, best remembered for his deadpan role in The Young Ones.
Anyway, in this case the play isn't the thing, the trial dance class is.
And if you miss this one, there are others. And if you can make it, and find you love it, there are more free classes on offer ahead of a full course starting in May.
In the meantime, take a look at Sneha demonstrating some of the basic moves by going to
Pictured: Sneha leading a Bollywood dance session in Coventry city centre.