Get ready to be bowled over by this comedy
Outside Edge, Allesley Village Hall, Coventry, to Feb 16.
You will be bowled over by this well-acted comedy from The Saints Dramatic Society. I loved every minute, as did the rest of the audience judging by the laughter and the rapturous applause at the end of the show.
The story is set at the local cricket club, where the players and their wives and girlfriends all have their own personal problems and hang-ups. Some are hiding secrets, some are wrapped up in their own little worlds. It's a perfect mix for a wonderfully entertaining production. Team captain Roger, brilliantly played by John Pease, has just one thing on his mind - cricket - and is totally oblivious to anything and everything else, especially the feelings of his wife Miriam ( a great performance by Megan Holland). Long-suffering Miriam is constantly at her husband's beck and call as she keeps the social side of the club running smoothly. The gradual build- up of just how far she can be pushed before cracking, is like a ticking time bomb. The pace of the play is excellent. There’s a lot of action on stage and off, as the cricketers take their innings, and their secrets and problems are revealed. The script is clever and witty and every member of the cast gives an excellent performance.
Ellie Hill is Maggie, the very practical, and adoring wife of drama-queen husband Kevin (Kevin Ward). The interaction between them is hilarious. Good performance too by Gary Swain who plays Dennis, who although likeable, fails to appreciate his wife - like all the men in this cricket club. Well done also to Maria Sheovska who plays glamorous Sharon, the new girlfriend of arrogant Alex (Brian McAuley) and to Rosie Wallace as Ginny, the wronged wife of Bob (Mark Perryman). She has to put on a brave face, knowing her husband is still seeing his ex-wife.
The way all the threads of the story are woven together to satisfying conclusions makes for great entertainment.
For tickets call the box office on 07927 319985.