Boldfest's Bold New Music Festival

Becca Shaw, Beth Tysall and Elizabeth Long. Photo Rob Tysall Pro Photography.
Boldfest, Newbold RFC, 13-14 May.
Review by Ann Evans
Rugby saw it’s very first BoldFest music festival over the weekend of 13 – 14 May, held at Newbold-on-Avon Rugby Football Club, the sun shined on the eleven different acts who entertained local audiences from early afternoon until the evening, creating a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. There was fun for the children and space for them to let off steam, hot food and a BBQ, plus the rugby club bar to enjoy some liquid refreshments. Camping was available too.
The line-up was: Sonic Boom, Beth Tysall, Liquid Insanity, Wax Rats, The Mismatched, Visitation, Lisa and the Louts, Overdrive, Ten Feet Tall, Jesi Storm and Violet Eyes.

Sonic Boom. Photo Rob Tysall Pro Photography.
Co-organiser from Newbold RFC, club Manager Emma Wilton said that the aim of the event was to make sure everyone had a good time, and to let local people see that they have a friendly welcoming club on their doorstep, which is open to all, you don’t have to be a member. Just pop along any evening.

Liquid Insanity. Photo Rob Tysall Pro Photography.
Emma, who has had a long family association with Newbold RFC – which incidentally celebrates its 130th anniversary next year, said, “With it being the first Boldfest I felt very relieved when I saw people turning up. I had visions of no one coming, but thankfully they did and people seem to enjoy themselves. We’re planning for this to become an annual event. Profits from the festival will go towards the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM), an organisation taking a stand against suicide.”

Sonic Boom lead singer Richard Chamberlain and bass guitarist and BBC presenter Simon Ward.
Photo Rob Tysall Pro Photography.
Opening the festival was 5-piece band, Sonic Boom. Singer Richard Chamberlain told Elementary that the band first formed in 1998, when two bands morphed together. After a break when marriages and children took priority, they got together again in 2015. “We primarily play Indi/rock from the 90s,” continued Richard. “But we’ll also drift away from that and do some modern or 60s music.”
They play right across the Midlands and are well used to being in the spotlight – especially their bass guitarist Simon Ward as he’s also BBC TV presenter for East Midlands Today. Simon said that he joined Sonic Boom about 7 years ago. “I was working in radio, TV and reporting, but had a hankering to join a band. I met these guys and it’s been great ever since.”

Beth Tysall. Photo Rob Tysall Pro Photography
Rugby singer, songwriter and music tutor, Beth Tysall took to the stage next backed by Elizabeth Long on flute and Becca Shaw. They delighted the crowd with songs from Beth’s album, Ten Faced. Beth said, “We’ll be doing mainly pop/rock with a few ballads – all from my album, Ten Faced. It’s always enjoyable to do an outdoor gig, especially one this close to home. This is the very first Boldfest – I’m looking forward to seeing it grow year on year.”

Rebecca Shaw, Beth Tysall & Elizabeth Long at Boldfest.