Crufts in pictures

Dogs of all shapes and sizes were at Crufts such as Tibetan Mastiff Athena and a little friend, Nobby the Pug. Photo Rob Tysall Photography.
Crufts - Elementary Whatson's roundup in pictures.
Review by Ann Evans, Photos by Rob Tysall.
Were you one of the millions of people who watched Crufts last weekend either on TV or at the NEC? There was so much to enjoy. It certainly wasn't all about finding the top dog. Agility, flyball, heelwork to music, Hero Awards, charity stalls and hundreds of stands and demonstrations. As for judging best dog in show from the 24,000 taking part, it was no easy task! But after four days of competitions, whittling the dogs down to just seven finalists, resulted in some gorgeous dogs for Best in Show Judge Ann Ingham to make her final choice from.
She finally selected an Australian Shepherd named Viking as Best in Show. He and his owner Melanie Raymond hadn't travelled far - just down the road in Solihull, while runner-up, Jack Russell Terrier, Zen had travelled all the way from Japan with his owner Hiroshi Tsuyuki. Congratulations to the finalists and winner but in every owner and handler's eyes they were all champions. Here's few of the gorgeous dogs and interesting stands which caught our eye at Crufts.
(Pictured above) is 50 kgTibetan Mastiff, Athena, one of the oldest dog breeds in the world. Their original role was to protect the temples and livestock. This gentle giant was chilling out with Nobby the Pug.

The ever popular Shih tzu. This was Apollo with his owner, Jolene. Photo by Rob Tysall Photography.
Being brushed and combed ready for their appearance in the arena were a family of Shih tzus from Hampshire. Owner Jolene and Apollo needed no persuasion to pose for the camera.

Artist Christine Varley (right) and friend Sarah Seymour at their stand. Photo Rob Tysall Photography.
Pet Portrait artist Christine Varley (right) celebrates 25 years at Crufts. As a big animal lover Christine does her pet portraits in watercolour and then creates a wide range of merchandise under the business name of Waggy Dogz which are perfect as gifts for other animal lovers or as your own home accessories.

Havanese Dogs Hope and Henry. Photo by Rob Tysall Photography.
These two long haired beauties are Hope and Henry - two Havanese dogs, the national dog of Cuba. This breed were popular with the nobility, particularly as lap dogs for 'well-to-do' Cuban ladies. When the Cuban revolution came, they were marked for annihilation. Fortunately, some were smuggled out of the country, but are still quite rare today.

Persie Gin, supporting animal welfare charities. Photo by Rob Tysall Photography.
Finding a stand promoting their gin distillery in Scotland was something a bit different. However, Persie Gin, run by husband and wife Simon and Chrissie Fairclough, are massive dog lovers - as are the small team who work with them. Not only do they donate a percentage of every bottle sold to local animal rescue centres, they have named some gins after breeds of dog, with ingredients and taste notes to reflect the personality of the breed. Since starting their distillery 8 years ago, they have donated around £25,000 to animal welfare charities.

The British Army Engagement stand. (L_R) Officer Cadet Archie Ingham, Sgt. Tamara King, Officer Cadet Joe Ayre. Photo by Rob Tysall Photography.
There was a stand for the British Army Engagement who were there talking to the public, promoting a positive picture of the army and to change perceptions. Sgt Tamara King, a dog handler and trainer said, “There are about 200 different job roles in the Army and Army Reserves – whatever people have an interest it. Basically whatever you can do in civvy street you can do in the army.”

Milly, Penny and Sophie of the West Highland White Terrier Club of England. Photo by Rob Tysall Photography.
Also meeting the public in the Discover Dogs area, which was celebrating 30 years at Crufts, were Milly, Penny and Sophie of the West Highland White Terrier Club of England.

A Polish Lowland Sheepdog. Photo by Rob Tysall Photography.
This gorgeous boy is a Polish Lowland Sheepdog. It’s thought that there have been Polish Lowland Sheepdogs in Scotland since the 16th century, brought over by Polish sailors and exchanged for other animals. It’s possible that this breed played a part in the ancestry of some of our native sheepdogs.

Cap, a Pyrenean Mountain Dog with his owner. Photo by Rob Tysall Photography.
Since the Middle Ages the Pyrenean Mountain Dog's role was to guard flocks in the Pyrenees. These are real gentle giants which found favour in the Royal Courts and Palaces of France. King Louis XIV named this breed the Royal Dog of France. They were also used as messenger dogs and as pack dogs by the French Army in World War II.

Mila a 7-month-old Pyrenean Mountain Dog. Photo Rob Tysall Photography.
Finally, also on the Pyrenean Mountain Dog stand in the Discover Dogs area was the lovely Mila, a 7-month-old
Mila, a 7-month-old Pyrenean.
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