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Earlsdon Library to make its screen debut

Libary adds another string to its bow with the January opening of a Film Club

By Chris Arnot

It was so long ago that it was BC (Before Covid) when we started seeking venues for a film club in Earlsdon.

By “we” I mean myself and a few others, led by John Gore who ran the cinema section of Warwick Arts Centre for many a year and, more recently, has been staging screenings across town in Stoke Green.

Anyway, we’re nearly there. At last. Our Carnegie Community Library – my favourite building in Earlsdon, along with the Royal Oak – will be the venue. The personal History of David Copperfield will be the film. The third week in January should be the date.

Note the “should”. There could be yet another lockdown between now and then as a new variant spreads.

All we can do is hope and give thanks to those who’ve cleared so many hurdles on the long and winding road to “opening night”. Along with John, Tom Hoare has sorted outmany a technicality and my near-neighbour Rob Hopson has sorted out the financial issues. Oh yes, and Helen Spence has kept us all in order.

Let’s raise a glass to them all. And, yes, you’ll be able to get a drink before the opening credits roll.


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