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Heavy Metal Action at the Tanks, Trucks & Firepower Show

Chieftain MBT, one of the many tanks on display. Photo by Rob Tysall Pro Photography.

Hundreds of military vehicles rolled across the Warwickshire countryside over the August Bank Holiday, and families turned out in force to enjoy another explosive show staged by Andrew Baker and the Alvis Fighting Vehicle Society.


Around 260 tanks, jeeps, Land Rovers, armoured personnel vehicles, military recovery and reconnaissance vehicles – and lots more, roared into Dunchurch and set up camp in the main show arena all set to be put through their paces over the next three days.


As always, there was an exciting programme of action-packed events, starting off with a convoy around the massive main arena of Soft Top and Land Rovers including military motorcycles and motorcycle and sidecars. Great to see owners and enthusiasts loving the drive, waving to the crowds and enjoying the atmosphere.

One of the cavalcades over the weekend. Photo by Rob Tysall Pro Photography.


Following that cavalcade came a Recovery Vehicle Demonstration where we saw a Foden 6 x 6 Recovery Truck recovering a Scammel Explorer which in turn was towing a trailer carrying a 1960 Fowler Challenger diesel crawler tractor. A weighty achievement!


It was cover your ears time next with Mid-Day Guns and Firepower Display. Here we saw Andrew and his team firing a range of firearms, starting from hand-held pistols, to rifles, sub machine guns and then on to the big guns, the largest being a 25 pounder.


Meanwhile, visitors could take a tank ride around an adjacent field – an exciting experience for any military enthusiast discovering what it's like being in a tank travelling at speed across open countryside.

An RAF Spitfire on show. Photo by Rob Tysall Pro Photography.


Over on the other arena, visitors could browse the many stalls and get up close to all the military vehicles, including an RAF Spitfire exhibition, chat to owners and restorers, grab something to eat and drink from the wide range of street food outlets, including a bar, and the kids could have fun in the fairground.


Highlights of the show included the entire family of CVRTs: Scorpion 90, Scimitar II, Spartan, Sabre, Samson, Samaritan, Striker and Sultan all lined up and on display. Another highlight being three Warrior tracked Infantry Fighting Vehicles at the show – a first for the UK as it’s believed that these are the only three IFVs in private ownership. There was the Warrior APC Prototype – the only one of its kind to be built. The Warrior Recovery Vehicle – a Kuwait ARV and the only known one to exist outside of the country. And third in line, the Warrior LS 10 03 now owned by Gate Guard Restorations.

Warrior APC Prototype. Photo by Rob Tysall Pro Photography.


Visitors could see many of these huge military vehicles and main battle tanks such as the Challenger 1, the Chieftain, a Sherman tank, the Warriors, CVRTs and more in the next big event – a convoy of Tanks and Tracked Armoured Vehicles.


Following that, it was Prototypes and Rare Vehicles, then a lunch break for the organisers. The Commentator over the weekend was Our Tim (Tim Watson) assisted by Nikita Flanagan filming. Also filming the event from above with his GPS tracked drone operator was Jake Huddlestone. It was actually Our Tim’s 10th anniversary of commentating and presenting the Tanks, Trucks and Firepower Show, as well as putting together their official film which can be seen by following the link at the bottom of this page.

Show compare and film maker, Our Tim. Photo by Rob Tysall Pro Photography.


Chatting about the fun of covering this show and others, Tim mentioned how he often gets the job of being cut out of crushed vehicles during demonstrations by the West Midlands Fire Service. In fact, he’s been cut out of 44 different vehicles!  Tim was also sporting his badge in support of the charity Mental Health Motorbike. He said, “I wear this badge with pride, I want to help break down the stigma surrounding mental health and next year I’ll be doing the course to become a Mental Health Motorbike First Aider.”


At 2pm each day, it was a major highlight of the show with the Explosive Light Tank Driving Display with Andrew Baker and Mick Browning, in their CVRTs giving us a brilliant display of control as these two vehicles roared around the arena skimming one another by inches, travelling at top speed in reverse and then heading through the ‘mine field’ to produce a sensational display of pyrotechnic explosions.

Organisers Andrew Baker and Mick Browning demonstrate skilled driving and pyrotechnic excitements. Photo by Rob Tysall Pro Photography.

More action followed with a World War II Battle Re-enactment, as British soldiers defended their posts against a German attack. Some 24 different re-enactment groups took part in the show including VERA, Big Joe’s Jeep Group, The Tommy Atkins Society and Rolling Thunder, a national Vietnam War Reenactment Group who had flown in a Vietnam veteran from the US.


The ever- popular caravan crush was up next. This time a 15-ton FV 432 armoured personnel carrier made short work of this former holiday home. Sad but entertaining!


The very big guns were out next with the Tank vs Tank Battle and explosions echoed across the Warwickshire countryside as a tank battle raged and smoke flames and oil drums spiralled high into the air. Spectacular and entertaining, be assured (spoiler alert) this was another of Andrew Baker’s brilliant pyrotechnic displays and no live shells were fired at targets – realistic though it was.

Eaglestorm member Jon Stafford who enjoys the German side of re-enactment. Photo by Rob Tysall Pro Photoghraphy.


The final event of the day was the exhibitor vehicle free for all convoy, where every vehicle there on the day could take an off-road drive around the huge arena. For those camping out at the show – or glamping, there was campfires and fireworks, food and drink to finish off the great Bank Holiday weekend.


Next year’s show will be held on 23rd, 24th and 25th August (Bank Holiday weekend). Details:

For more information on the Alvis Fighting Vehicle Society please visit

To watch Our Tim's Official Video of the show: 




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