Lost Leamington: A Picture of the Past

Photo courtesy of the Leamington Spa Royal Pump Rooms.
Leamington Spa Art Gallery & Museum provides a fascinating opportunity to see the Gallery’s significant collection of archives. Lost Leamington: A Picture of the Past, is open until Sunday 14 January 2024.
From a small village to a fashionable Georgian spa resort, and then to the busy and attractive town we know today, Leamington Spa has changed hugely over the last 250 years. The ways that people live, work, shop, worship, play, and travel are always evolving, and the streets and buildings of the town reflect their changing needs.
This exhibition draws on LSAG&M’s extensive collection of prints, watercolours and photographs to show buildings and scenes from the town that are no longer with us. It also features objects from the collection that remind us of ways of life that have been lost.
It runs until this Sunday and it's free admission.

Last chance to see the Lost Leamington: A Picture of the Past exhibition.
The exhibition has been well received. Here’s what visitors have been saying:
“Super exhibition!”
“We loved the old photos.”
For more information on all events and exhibitions please visit www.warwickdc.gov.uk/royalpumprooms