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Photographic Exhibition Success


Leopard Sisters Drinking by Joy Herbert.
Leopard Sisters Drinking by Joy Herbert.

Four members of Leamington Spa Photographic Society beat entries from around the world to have work accepted for an international exhibition being staged at a renowned photo-based fine art gallery.


Their images are now among 36 photographic prints currently on display in the ‘Animal Kingdom’ exhibition at Gallery Photiq in Park Street, Leamington.

High as an Elephant's Eye by Bobbie Bolam.
High as an Elephant's Eye by Bobbie Bolam.

 The exhibition, curated by gallery boss Nat Coalson, who printed the final pictures, attracted several hundred entries from photographers from Europe and as far afield as Canada, the United States and Australia.


Framed prints on view include images ranging from birds and insects in flight to land animals, both domesticated and wild, and undersea creatures. 

Living Dangerously by Paul Beard.
Living Dangerously by Paul Beard.

LSPS chairman Peter Chappell said: “I was delighted by the success of our members having their work accepted for this prestigious exhibition against such stiff competition from around the world. These acceptances are a reflection of the standard of work being produced by our members.”


Coalson, a professional fine art photographer who runs Gallery Photiq with his wife Ruth, commented: “We were thrilled to see the number of entries from photographers all over the world. The standard of quality in the selected photographs is exceptional, making a fantastic exhibition and a joy to view! We're especially grateful for the participation of members of our local camera club, Leamington Spa Photographic Society.”


And Peter Chappell added: “The Society has been playing an increasing role in the local arts community, actively forming relationships with many key organisations including Leamington Studio Artists and Warwick District Council.”


Bath Time by Jim Crabtree.
Bath Time by Jim Crabtree.

The Animal Kingdom exhibition is open at Gallery Photiq until March 1. Further information about Leamington Spa Photographic Society can be found at



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