Stick Man, Warwick Arts Centre

At various times until 18 December 2022
Review by Tommy, Frank and JP, as told to Barbara Goulden
Don't listen to the grown-ups about Warwick Arts Centre's Christmas production of Stick Man. Listen to the children who went along to see the show. Six-year-old Tommy thought the jokes were hilarious, his two-year-old brother Frank was at one stage frantically flapping his ‘wings’ while their cool three-year-old cousin – who likes to be known as JP, was quite simply enthralled.
According to parents and accompanying aunties, all three youngsters laughed their socks off as they followed the misadventures of the twig who leaves his family tree for an early morning jog.
If you don't already know Julia Donaldson's delightful story, then it's likely your children or grandchildren will. The professional actors on stage really bring the story to life as first a dog tries to play ‘fetch’ with Stick Man, then a swan tries to give him a good pecking as she wants to incorporate him into her nest and finally – could this be the end? The little wooden man looks like he's in flames.
Naturally this wildly creative alternative to the traditional panto all ends happily as the energetic professional cast employ puppets, live music and some crazy dance moves to get the whole audience involved.
So, would Tommy go again? “Yep! There were some good jokes and I really loved it when the swan was pecking the Stick Man.”
Frankie: "Yes, when?"
JP, who was sorry his grandma had missed the show due to a cold, said: "When can we come back to Coventry and bring her?"
Final word from Dad: "This show was well planned and when the smaller kids started to get distracted there was audience participation which helped them stay focused again."
Times of performances vary. Check out Warwick Arts Centre website on: